Торговый дом

2019 Торговый дом «Рятико»

Вывод российских производителей на рынки стран АТР
Инновационность предоставляемых товаров и услуг
Привлечение иностранных инвестиций
Развитие российских региональных проектов

Опубликовано: 08.06.2019 в 09:51


Категории: Новости ENG

One of the main events of the final day at the St. Petersburg International Forum was the Russia-Japan Business Dialogue moderated by Alexey Repik, the Chairman of the Executive board of the Ryatico Trading House and the Chairman of the Russian-Japanese Business Council. From the Japanese side, the discussion was moderated by Hiroshi Meguro, the Vice-President of the Japanese Association for Trade with Russia and the Newly Independent States (ROTOBO). The following persons also participated in the discussion: Maxim Oreshkin (Minister of Economic Development of Russia), Yoshihiro Seki (Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan), Oleg Kozhemyako (Head of Primorsky Krai), Anatoly Artamonov (Governor of the Kaluga Region), Yasuhiro Tamaki (Governor of Okinawa), Vadim Shvetsov (Director General of SOLLERS), Roman Trotsenko (Chairman of the AEON’s Executive Board), as well as the management of Keidanren, Mitsui, JETRO, Japan Tobacco, and Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
“The dialogue between our countries is taking place at an extremely important moment: on the eve of the G20 summit and the visit of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan, which will take place later this month in Osaka. Therefore, it seems to me that this is also an excellent opportunity to conduct a kind of preparatory work, discussing long-standing problems in the field of developing bilateral cooperation, expanding bottlenecks and identifying practical steps to overcome them. I expect that today we will have a frank discussion, and its results will be reported to the leaders of our countries,” Alexey Repik said in his welcoming speech. Hiroshi Meguro, in turn, recalled that this is the fifth – anniversary – dialogue, and noted that it focuses on the cooperation in the digital and technological sphere. He expressed confidence that the business dialogue will bring good results and help prepare a substantive agenda for the upcoming meeting of the two heads of state this month. Maxim Oreshkin said that the trade with Japan is growing despite the fact that the world trade is experiencing a not very good period this year, which indicates that a very high-quality interaction has been built. According to him, Japanese investors take part in the large infrastructure projects; for example, in the reconstruction of the Khabarovsk airport in December 2018. PJSC Gazprom issued the so-called “samurai bonds” on the Japanese securities market; last year a deal was concluded for the acquisition of the Donskoy Tabak by the Japanese company Japan Tobacco; the projects to improve the quality of the urban environment are being implemented, and projects meant to raise productivity and development of the digital economy are increasing. “This shows the breadth that exists in our relations, and how widely we are talking about new projects,” the Minister of Economic Development of Russia emphasized. Maxim Oreshkin also noted the development of investment cooperation, in particular, significant progress in the interaction of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), as well as the Platform for supporting Japanese investment in the Far East. The Russian-Japanese investment fund launched by the parties in September 2017 is worth $ 1 billion; it has invested more than $ 230 million over the past year and has become one of the key institutions of economic cooperation between our countries. “This year, we intend to pay close attention to the traditional areas of our cooperation, energetics and transport, as well as to such promising areas as tourism and high technology,” he said. Yoshihiro Seki told the participants of the business dialogue that the authorities and companies of the two countries are actively working to develop Russian-Japanese relations under the leadership of the heads of state. “As of today, more than 170 joint projects have appeared, more than half of them have moved to the active implementation stage,” he emphasized. The Japanese Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry also added that together with the Russian government, work is underway in the field of joint ventures, small and medium-sized businesses, energetics, productivity. For example, based on the performance track, more than 200 Russian specialists were accepted for an internship in Japan. As for the digital sphere, the interaction here strives to support the development of artificial intelligence technologies, digitalization of SMEs and support for start-ups, Yoshihiro Seki said.

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Торговый дом РЯТИКО -

основан в августе 2018 года в качестве уникальной платформы для реализации взаимовыгодных и долгосрочных проектов в области российско-японских экономических отношений, включая вывод российских несырьевых товаров и услуг на рынок Японии, включение продукции российских предприятий в глобальные цепочки добавленной стоимости, а также привлечение японских инвестиций в реализацию инфраструктурных, инновационных и взаимовыгодных бизнес проектов на территории РФ.

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