Торговый дом

2019 Торговый дом «Рятико»

Вывод российских производителей на рынки стран АТР
Инновационность предоставляемых товаров и услуг
Привлечение иностранных инвестиций
Развитие российских региональных проектов

Опубликовано: 28.06.2019 в 14:37


Категории: Новости ENG

Alexey Repik signed a cooperation agreement with Hirai Shinji, the governor of Tottori Prefecture On June 28, within the framework of the visit of Russian businessmen to Tottori Prefecture, Alexey Repik (the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Ryatico Trading House, the Chairman of the Russian-Japanese Business Council) conducted negotiations with Hirai Shinji, the governor of the prefecture. In order to develop cooperation, Alexey Repik and Hirai Shinji signed an agreement on the productive informational exchange, exchange of business delegations and other events aimed at the formation of specific business offers between enterprises and organizations. The agreement was based on the 8-point economic cooperation plan proposed by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2016. Along with the further development of cooperation in the field of tourism, medicine, and improvement of the urban environment, the parties expressed their readiness to discuss and identify new areas of cooperation. The Russian delegation was able to visit several enterprises in the field of healthcare, ecology and tourism, get acquainted with the sights of the prefecture and meet with representatives of the local business community, which, according to Alexei Repik, helped to form a clearer understanding of how to specifically implement business interaction between Russia and Japan. According to Mr. Repik, the visit has brought significant benefit in further strengthening of economic cooperation between Russian businessmen and Tottori Prefecture, reinforcing the positive dynamics created by previous business missions. “It is interregional cooperation between the two countries that allows to achieve the necessary synergy and practical results in the form of specifically implemented projects. In this regard, I would like to confirm the intentions of the Russian-Japanese Business Council to organize new business missions to Tottori Prefecture, as well as to do everything possible to successfully carry out reciprocal visits of Japanese companies to Russia,” he said. Recall that this February, the Russian-Japanese Business Council already hosted the mission of Japanese companies from Tottori Prefecture. The meetings, the round table and visits to Russian companies including the ones in Yaroslavl aroused great interest among Russian businessmen.
Торговый дом РЯТИКО -

основан в августе 2018 года в качестве уникальной платформы для реализации взаимовыгодных и долгосрочных проектов в области российско-японских экономических отношений, включая вывод российских несырьевых товаров и услуг на рынок Японии, включение продукции российских предприятий в глобальные цепочки добавленной стоимости, а также привлечение японских инвестиций в реализацию инфраструктурных, инновационных и взаимовыгодных бизнес проектов на территории РФ.

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