Торговый дом

2019 Торговый дом «Рятико»

Вывод российских производителей на рынки стран АТР
Инновационность предоставляемых товаров и услуг
Привлечение иностранных инвестиций
Развитие российских региональных проектов


Опубликовано: 16.02.2019 в 21:01


Категории: Новости ENG

On February 12 Russian-Japanese round table, dedicated to the Tottori prefecture’s business mission to Russia on 11-13 of February, was held at the mansion at Delegatskaya street. The event was focused on bilateral cooperation in such fields as healthcare and waste management. In his opening speech, CEO of Trading House Ryatico, the business ambassador of Business Russia in Japan, the executive director of the Russian-Japanese Business Council, Igor Dyachenko, noted that health issues, active longevity and environmental problems, including waste management, are crucial for the development of successful relations between the two countries. Under the scope of the “Plan 8” on the development of bilateral economic relations, presented by the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the Russian President Vladimir Putin in May 2016, healthcare and the creation of a favourable environment became key development trends for the two countries. “These issues are a priority for Russia. Today, we have developed and are already implementing national projects, within which more than 6 trillion rubles will be devoted to healthcare, and up to 4 trillion rubles will be allocated to the environment projects” said Igor Dyachenko. The Japanese delegation was represented by the heads of pharmaceutical and medical companies, as well as organizations for the processing of waste. The head of the Japanese delegation Aoki Shigeru noted that despite the fact that Tottori Prefecture is the smallest in Japan, its enterprises are increasingly breaking out into the world market because of its innovative developments. It is planned that in June 2019, on the sidelines of the official visit of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan, Russian-Japanese Business Council will organize a reciprocal business mission of the Russian manufacturers to Tottori Prefecture.

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Торговый дом РЯТИКО -

основан в августе 2018 года в качестве уникальной платформы для реализации взаимовыгодных и долгосрочных проектов в области российско-японских экономических отношений, включая вывод российских несырьевых товаров и услуг на рынок Японии, включение продукции российских предприятий в глобальные цепочки добавленной стоимости, а также привлечение японских инвестиций в реализацию инфраструктурных, инновационных и взаимовыгодных бизнес проектов на территории РФ.

127473, Москва, ул. Делегатская, д. 7, стр. 1