Торговый дом

2019 Торговый дом «Рятико»

Вывод российских производителей на рынки стран АТР
Инновационность предоставляемых товаров и услуг
Привлечение иностранных инвестиций
Развитие российских региональных проектов


Опубликовано: 28.02.2019 в 21:17


Категории: Новости JAP

28 February, delegation of Ryatico Trading house, headed by CEO Igor Dyachenko, was invited by Ivanovo Region Support Coordination Centre for a 2-days trip to Ivanovo and Shuya cities. This visit was aimed at building relations between Ryatico and different businesses of Ivanovo region and finding ways of cooperation to realise export potential. During the visit Ryatico delegation met a number representatives of Ivanovo region companies, including furniture factory Glider, building materials producers Bildex and ISMA, garment manufacturers Samson and Shuya Sytcy, Shuya State Distillery and many others. During the meetings both sides exchanged experience and their expert opinions, discussed potential cooperation projects. The talks touched upon various topics: from Russian industry export potential to the role of independent entrepreneurs in promoting Russia’s tourism. 1 March, Ryatico visited Glider company furniture factory and Samson garment factory. It was noted that both industries manufacturing activity is highly organised, safe and of high quality. By the end of the visit Ryatico Trading House and Ivanovo Region Support Coordination Centre reached an agreement to maintain contact, exchange information that might be of interest for both sides and continuously cooperate and work to export Ivanovo region products to Asian-Pacific market.

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Торговый дом РЯТИКО -

основан в августе 2018 года в качестве уникальной платформы для реализации взаимовыгодных и долгосрочных проектов в области российско-японских экономических отношений, включая вывод российских несырьевых товаров и услуг на рынок Японии, включение продукции российских предприятий в глобальные цепочки добавленной стоимости, а также привлечение японских инвестиций в реализацию инфраструктурных, инновационных и взаимовыгодных бизнес проектов на территории РФ.

127473, Москва, ул. Делегатская, д. 7, стр. 1